Edward Haskins Jacobs, Director
7 Church St.
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 U.S. Virgin Islands   00820

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Report to the House of Delegates

of the

American Bar Association



Edward Haskins Jacobs


On a Proposal to Amend the ABA Constitution


Add this as a fundamental ABA purpose:


To defend the right to life of all innocent human beings,

including all those conceived but not yet born.


For consideration at the August 12 and 13, 2002 Annual Meeting:

The undersigned proposes that the American Bar Association Constitution, Article 1, Section 1.2 - Purposes - be amended by inserting the following language (between the quotation marks) after the first semicolon: "to defend the right to life of all innocent human beings, including all those conceived but not yet born;".


Article 1 of the ABA Constitution is entitled "Name and Purposes." Section 1.2 is entitled "Purposes." Once amended, section 1.2 would read in full as follows:


The purposes of the Association are to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and maintain representative government; to defend the right to life of all innocent human beings, including all those conceived but not yet born; to advance the science of jurisprudence; to promote throughout the nation the administration of justice and the uniformity of legislation and of judicial decisions; to uphold the honor of the profession of law; to apply the knowledge and experience of the profession to the promotion of the public good; to encourage cordial intercourse among the members of the American bar; and to correlate and promote the activities of the bar organizations in the nation within these purposes and in the interests of the profession and of the public. [The new language is in bold for the purpose of highlighting.]


This proposal was made in 2001 as well. By vote of the House of Delegates in August 2001, it was postponed indefinitely. But that was 2001. This is 2002. Just as the abolitionist, once rebuffed, is not going to say, "Oh, o.k., forget it," children’s lives are at stake, and I cannot forget them either. And so, I go over here some old ground, but also some new.


Feminism - here meaning the conviction that women’s government-enforced rights and privileges have been neglected in the past and now need augmentation - begs the question, how far should women’s "rights" go? If you are a mother with a child in your womb, and if bearing your child to term or keeping your child after birth would be embarrassing, inconvenient, career-killing, poverty-causing, husband-limiting, depressing, or physically more than normally risky, do you have the right to kill your child as a legally-approved exit from motherhood, as long as you do it before your child fully emerges from the protection of your body?


Or does your child, by her mere humanity, have a sacrosanct right to live, and continue to develop and grow in liberty and pursue happiness as she comes to know it? The answer: Human life, including that of our littlest ones, is sacred. This realization was one of the greatest advances of Christianity over the paganism that condoned exposing unto death the unwanted child. Abortion, in our society, is quicker than exposure, and is hidden away in the womb (or at the end of the birth canal) so that we can lie to ourselves about what we are doing. Respect for human life is fundamental to civilized society, as "Thou Shalt Not Kill" signifies.


At one time, apparently, we knew human life was sacred and to be defended against all competing claims of "right." Our nation’s declaration of birth - the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776 - set forth the raison d’etre for the United States of America as a separate nation. The Declaration asserted that it is self-evident that all men are endowed by their Creator with the unalienable right to life; and that governments are instituted among men to secure the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This insistence upon governmental protection of the right to life of all innocent human beings must be a fundamental function of any legitimate government.


The Creator referenced in the Declaration of Independence chose to have each new child begin life within his or her mother. The child in the womb has her own unique set of DNA. She is a separate human being - not simply part of her mother. On April 23 and 24, 1981 a United States Senate Judiciary subcommittee held hearings on the question: When does life begin? The internationally known group of geneticists and biologists had the same conclusion - that life begins at conception. But can any of us, with what we know about the child’s unique set of DNA beginning at conception, even pretend now that this is not true? The possibility of twinning does not diminish the recognition that upon conception there is new human life in the mother’s body - life that is not her own.


Just because the child is held and nourished within her mother does not give her mother the right to kill her. To the contrary, the mother with a child in the womb has a special responsibility to protect and care for her child. The generally recognized principle that parents must take care of their children once they are born applies as well to the children while they are growing and developing in the womb. Now I am not judging here the status of the soul of those who have had abortions or help to abort babies. I leave that (and the judging of my own soul) to God. But what we must judge as a people is what actions are so intrinsically evil, and do such harm to others who are innocent of wrongdoing (such as killing them), that the State, any decent State, must prohibit those actions from being inflicted on their victims. Obviously, the baby in the womb is the victim of abortion.


I do not want to offend the women who have been bamboozled by our abortion culture, but is not abortion the ultimate hate crime - the turning of legendary motherly love to hatred and killing of one’s own child?


The United States of America fails in its fundamental mission if it refuses to secure for the weakest and most vulnerable innocent people amongst us the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The ABA fails in its mission if it fails to stand up for the rights of the powerless. If we deny the right to life for children in the womb because they are developmentally immature (and therefore, in the eyes of some, not "persons"), then we not only tragically deny these children their rights - we open the door to infanticide and the killing of other weak and infirm people. There is a crisis in the United States over the loss of our moral roots. The ABA, which claims to be the voice of the legal profession, and to be an advocate of the protection of fundamental rights, should become a strong voice for all the weak and vulnerable innocents who so desperately need champions now.


We would do well also to realize that the Constitution of the United States - and the Supreme Court’s interpretation of it - is not the fundamental source of human rights within the United States. Our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness do not arise out of our own "social contract" - the Constitution. To the contrary, as the Declaration asserts, these rights are endowed upon us by our Creator. The rights of the child are a burden to the mother, but fundamental rights of others are a burden we must bear.



At the 2001 Annual Meeting, the Chair of the Standing Committee on Constitution and Bylaws reported that the Committee "voted to recommend to the House that the proposal be considered out of order, in that it is inconsistent with the first purpose clause of Association’s Constitution, which is ... ‘To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and maintain representative government.’"


As I pointed out in last year’s report, the inconsistency contention has no merit. First the obvious: Nowhere does the actual language of the United States Constitution specify that the States may not defend the right to life of each and every innocent human being within their respective jurisdictions (including all those conceived but not yet born). So the claim that the defense of such life is inconsistent with defending and upholding the Constitution, is on its face highly suspect.


If the inconsistency argument does not rest on the actual language of the Constitution, let us go beyond the actual language of the Constitution and try to articulate the argument. The inconsistency argument could be so stated:

Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey prohibit each State from defending the right to life of each and all innocent human beings conceived but not yet born, within the State’s jurisdiction.

The Supreme Court has determined that the Constitution’s penumbra of privacy rights attendant to the pregnant mothers is what prohibits the States from defending the right to life of each and all those conceived but not yet born.

Therefore, it is the Constitution itself that prohibits the defense by the States of the right to life of all those conceived but not yet born.

Therefore, advocating the defense of the right to life of all those conceived but not yet born is inconsistent with upholding and defending the Constitution since the Constitution prohibits that defense.

But it cannot be reasonably be said (1) that the holdings of Roe v. Wade as modified by Planned Parenthood v. Casey are the Constitution itself - and (2) that if one opposes Roe and Planned Parenthood, one is opposing the Constitution itself - and failing to uphold and defend it. The lack of identity of particular Supreme Court interpretations of the Constitution with the Constitution itself should be rather self-evident. No doubt you (the members of the House) are aware that legal conclusions underlying many Supreme Court decisions - including those interpreting the Constitution - have been rejected by later Supreme Court decisions although the relevant language of the Constitution has not changed in the interim. Thus, generally, contending that opposition to a particular Supreme Court interpretation of the Constitution constitutes opposition to the Constitution itself is stretching language and logic to the breaking point.


Now, maybe a persuasive argument could be made that although some Supreme Court interpretations of the Constitution are subject to later change, some are so indisputably correct that in some real sense the interpretation could be said to be the Constitution itself. If the Supreme Court rationale for Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey were so rock-solid and accepted by American society in general as the proper articulation of a virtually undisputed fundamental individual right grounded in the Constitution, one could argue that in effect these Supreme Court decisions are equivalent to the Constitution; but that is certainly not the case with Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. (And note that Planned Parenthood itself modified fundamental holdings of Roe.)


The truth is quite to the contrary of the 2001 position of the Standing Committee on Constitution and Bylaws. The reality is that the rationale underlying these two Supreme Court decisions deserves no support from an organization which is pledged to uphold and defend the Constitution of United States. This is because the underlying rationale for the decisions is bogus, even if one accepts the concept of the privacy rights penumbra. The Supreme Court’s opinion in Roe v. Wade takes the position that neither Texas nor any other State may legislatively determine that human life begins at conception, since (the Court asserted) there is uncertainty over the legitimacy of that claim - that human life does begin at conception. But this claimed uncertainty is a figment of the Supreme Court’s imagination. There is no real uncertainty over the point at which each human life begins - we all have our own unique set of 46 chromosomes. This set is forged at the moment of conception. The new child (or, perhaps, eventually, the new twins) is new human life - residing within the child’s mother, but not simply a part of her.


Based on the faulty contention that the child in the womb cannot properly be legislatively determined to be a human being, the Supreme Court denigrated the child to the status "potential life," stripping the child of her rightful status under the law as a human being. The Court then set up a false dichotomy of competing rights: the mother’s "right to privacy" right to kill the non-human blob in her womb verses the State’s interest in protecting the "potential life" in the womb and the health of the mother. (Referring to a living being with its own DNA as "potential life" is doublespeak at its best.) The hand dealt the child in the womb by the Supreme Court was dealt from a stacked deck - based upon the lie that the child in the womb is not really a child. As a "potential life" rather than a real, live human being, the child’s real rights get pushed aside by the Supreme Court. The rationale of Roe v. Wade is not indisputable (and thus, one might argue, the Constitution itself); rather, the rationale of Roe v. Wade is fatuous.


Finally, the proposal (and all already articulated purposes in ABA Constitution Section 1.2) presupposes the ABA defense of the right to life of the innocents will be undertaken by lawful means. Suppose the ABA as an organization were to advocate a change through lawful means in the United States Constitution (or in a Supreme Court interpretation of the Constitution). Would this mean the ABA had abandoned its purpose to uphold and defend the Constitution? Of course not. We have an obligation to address constitutional issues that need addressing. We honor the Constitution by doing so. So, even if I were advocating change in the language of the Constitution by lawful means, my proposal would not conflict with the ABA purpose to uphold and defend the Constitution.


It has further been suggested that what I advocate is a policy position for the ABA, not a purpose of the ABA, and therefore my proposal should be rejected on the technical ground that it does not belong in Section 1.2 of the ABA Constitution. I disagree with this contention also. After all, what is a purpose? A purpose is simply a fundamental policy. The innocent human beings in the wombs of their mothers (who have become mortal enemies of their own children) cry out for our country to renew its commitment to the basic principles of the Declaration of Independence - that every innocent human being has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And it is not just the innocents in the womb who cry out for champions. We are sliding down the slippery slope of disregard for the sanctity of human life for many outside the womb as well - the old, the infirm, and the disabled. If we do not wake up and start standing up for what is right, soon many of these innocents will have to be justifying why their lives should be spared - why we should be spending money and effort on their inconvenient and bothersome lives.


At the House of Delegates last August, the speaker who advocated postponing the proposal indefinitely said that the proposal "changes fundamentally the purpose of the American Bar Association and the Constitution and Bylaws, and has ramifications over a wide array of policy that the Association has adopted and implemented." I have reviewed the ABA Policy and Procedures Handbook and note here policy positions taken by the ABA that are, or may be regarded as inconsistent with the proposal being made hereby.


The ABA Policy and Procedures Handbook lists hundreds of standing policies adopted by the ABA over the years, although apparently some sort of action was taken at the 2001 meeting to "archive" some policies over ten years old. I have not investigated what policies have been archived, if any. Way back in 1978, the ABA adopted a policy, still in the Handbook, supporting federal and state legislation to "finance abortion services for indigent women." In 1991, the ABA adopted a policy supporting legislation to promote "full counseling and referrals on all medical options" in federally funded family planning clinics. In 1992, the ABA adopted a policy opposing federal legislation restricting abortions prior to viability and thereafter if the abortion is "necessary to protect the life or health of the woman ... ." And in 1994, the ABA adopted a policy recommending that the United States, at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, in 1995, "actively support the inclusion in the Platform for Action of [effective measures to accelerate the removal of the remaining obstacles to the realization of women’s basic rights." At the annual meeting in 2001 the ABA adopted a policy provision opposing the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits overseas funding by the United States of nongovernmental organizations that provide abortion-related health or medical services.


If the proposal is adopted, inconsistent policies would be revoked by implication. Legal protection for all innocent human life is essential to a properly ordered society. It is fundamental policy that belongs in purposes of the American Bar Association if the Association is to stand up for fundamental human rights.


The Nation and the World Table of Contents


 1. Human Law 

     at  the ABA


   2. 2002 Pro-life



   3. 2002 






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