Edward Haskins Jacobs, Director
7 Church St.
Christiansted, St. Croix
 U.S. Virgin Islands   00820

tel: (340) 773-3322

fax: (340) 773-2566



 The Brook Hill Controversy

The Articles


  1. Letter to Ms. Johnson

    I enjoyed seeing you again at the Parent Association meeting Wednesday night, October 21st. It is good of the School to allow the Association to meet at the School library prior to the formalization of the Association's organization, but let me turn to another subject.  Click here for full article

  2. Letter to Susan Smith, Director of Lower School

    It must be unimaginably horrible for a parent to watch an automobile strike a beloved child; to hear the bones break, and see the body fall; to feel bright promise and dreams encompassing the world evaporate in an instant. None but the worst amongst us would intentionally cripple any child---physically, spiritually, emotionally, or intellectually. Click here for full article

  3. Response of June 21, 1993 letter to Susan Smith

Educational research and reform is an ongoing continuous process. In order that Brooks Hill teachers are exposed to and benefit from this process in our geographical isolation, the Lower School teachers are involved in professional development videos authored by those accepted leaders at the forefront of this movement from New England, Illinois, California, New Zealand and Great Britain....Click here for full article

     4. Synopsis of November 4, 1992 letter from Mr. Robert Roe, Chairman, Board of Trustees of Brook Hill to Ned Jacobs.

The two-page letter is addressed to "Dear Ned". The writer states that the October 26, 1992 letter from Edward Jacobs to the head of school concerns teaching methods and asserts that because the by-laws of the board of trustees provide that the head of school "shall have full charge of the administration and the educational program of the school" the board should decline to become involved in the question of how to teach reading at the here full the full article














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